30 June 2014

Ideas for novels, screenplays, video games and the Symphonies

I've never written anything that's been published, but I've had ideas. If only I weren't so busy...

  1. A devout Catholic loses his job, his family, his home and his health through no fault of his own (and partly though the malice of others). Feeling abandoned and betrayed by God, he plots to kidnap and murder the Pope to get God's attention. (Obviously a philosophical story, something Dostoevskian.)
  2. A young metal bass player/vocalist in Texas just had yet another band break up, and his musical career seems a failure. He leaves Austin and returns to his small East Texas hometown, and begins to dabble in contemporary classical. He befriends a composer in Turkey, and falls in love with a Russian pianist who's become a YouTube celebrity. He ends up being invited to Istanbul to stay with his friend, who unbeknownst to him has also invited the pianist. The next two weeks will be the adventure of his life. (Music from Symphony No. 2 may be used.)
  3. A sociopath is terrorizing New Orleans, kidnapping young women and men, locking them in a secret dungeon, and raping, torturing and killing them ritualistically, as human sacrifices, while playing a recording of Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring. A veteran police investigator is assigned the case, with only the maimed corpses of victims as evidence.
  4. (Part of the plot to my Symphony No. 1.) In modern-day Lebanon in the year 9600 BC, a civilization is in ruins, destroyed by hostile neighbors and betrayal from within. The story is how a people, the Hria (meaning "[the] free, noble [people]" in the ancient Hrith language--حريا in Arabic script), evolve from hunter-gatherer level through agriculture and pastoralism, form a city-state, develop technology rivaling that of modern industrialized nations, then quickly falls under tyranny and collapses. The only evidence of their existence is in mystical writings randomly appearing through different times and places, particularly in a book written in Baghdad shortly before being sacked by the Mongols in 1258, and another found in Saint Petersburg, allegedly by Rasputin near the end of his life.
  5. (The plot to Symphony No. 3, which I've only just begun to start writing). The most common surname in the world is 李 , often written "Lee" in English. The most popular given name is Muhammad, from Arabic. So I created an "everyman"-type character named Muhammad Lee, who would naturally be a Chinese Muslim. This character was born during in Xi'an (formerly Chang'an) during the Tang Dynasty, around AD 900. Lee was of noble birth and noble character, but was betrayed by a rival who cursed him with immortality. Lee would spend the centuries wandering the earth--to Baghdad, Venice, San Francisco, Beijing in the future--witnessing and documenting historical events. He was to only rest in peace after the Second Coming.

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